Accident victim searching for missing dog

MEDFORD, Ore. — “Everything happened so fast,” said Vietnam war vet Alex Miller, who is recovering from a broken shoulder in the hospital after Monday’s rollover of his camper trailer on Interstate 5 in Medford.

“I guess I was going too fast. The wind gust — I couldn’t control it.”

Miller’s two dogs were with him, they’re as special to him as if they were his own children. Buddy suffered a broken leg, but Romeo ran off.

“Little black and grey Yorkie, looks like gizmo,” described Miller. “He’s my kid, my little kid. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I don’t find him.”

So now he’s putting out the word, hoping anyone can help him.

Miller says his Yorkie will respond when you call him by name.

“When I come home from work, Romeo is on my lap and he does not leave my lap.”

As Miller recovers from a broken shoulder, he hopes good news will come his way and someone spots Romeo.

“I’ve often said if I could find a woman who loves me as half as much as these two dogs do, I’d get married again.”

If you find Romeo, please let us know. Send an email to [email protected] with your name and phone number.

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