Ballots for May Primary Election sent out soon

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. —Jackson county ballots for the May Primary Election, will start getting sent out to voters Friday. The County Clerk says that means voters can start seeing their ballots as early as Saturday.

The May Primary is a nominating election for the Democratic and Republic party. Those registered as Democrats will get Democratic and Non-partisan candidates on their ballot. Registered Republicans will get Republican and Non-partisan candidates, as well.

All other voters, like Non-affiliated or  Independent parties, will only get Non-partisan candidates.

“I know we’ve heard people say all other voters except the major political parties won’t receive a ballot, absolutely not true, everyone who is a registered voter will receive a ballot it just depends on what your political party is,” said Chris Walker, Jackson County Clerk.

Walker told us earlier this month, that the number of non-affiliated voters in the county tops registered Republicans and Democrats.

Official ballot drop boxes open Monday. Election day is May 17th.

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Jenna King is the 6pm and 11pm anchor for NBC5 News. Jenna is a Burbank, CA native. She graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in Sports Business. During her time at Oregon she was part of the student-run television station, Duck TV. She also grew her passion for sports through her internship with the PAC 12 Network. When Jenna is not in the newsroom you can find her rooting for her hometown Dodgers, exploring the outdoors or binging on the latest Netflix release.
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