Energy assistance programs help keep the needy warm

PORTLAND, Ore. – Pacific Power is prepping for a colder than average winter in the Pacific Northwest. “It’s a law of physics,” representatives of the power company wrote. “The colder it gets outside, the more energy it takes to keep your house warm.”

With the chill beginning to set in, many residents will start paying more to heat their homes. However, not everyone has the money to stay comfortable this winter. But Pacific power is trying to help those customers in need with the energy assistance programs.

If you need help managing your electrical expenses due or are experiencing financial hardships, you can see if you’re eligible for assistance here:

Pacific Power has listed numerous programs to help qualifying residents, including the “Low-Income Weatherization Program, which provides free weatherization services–including insulation–based on a customer’s needs.

If you’re able to stay warm and want to help others do the same, Pacific Power contributes $2 for every $1 donated to energy assistance programs in their service area. The non-profit programs include HEAT Oregon and Project HELP in California and Washington. You can find more information here:

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