Lambs shot and killed at Wimer home

Wimer, Ore., — The Embshoff family have tons of animals on their five acre property in Wimer.

From dogs, to chickens, to sheep – the family loves their animals.

But this past weekend, something disturbing happened.

“We got up on Saturday morning and somebody had shot them.”

Two lambs – killed.

The next morning, it happened again.

Now, four out of the seven newborn lambs are dead, and one is missing.

“Who would’ve done something like that? Shot them through the head, in the side of the neck by the head, and just left them laying there to die.”

It’s something Wanda Embshoff doesn’t understand.

“These are gentle creatures, they can’t even defend themselves, and to come out and slaughter them. Especially the one Sunday morning when we found it. It had so many holes in it, one in the rump, two in the neck, one in the head, 4 shots! Why?”

And the two that are left – aren’t doing well

One has become crippled, unable to walk, with no physical signs of anything wrong.

And the other has been neglected by the mother.

“It makes you feel sad, and then it makes you feel angry.”

Embshoff says she feels violated, and nervous the shooter will come back for more animals, or even for them.

“Of course we feel violated, we’re afraid. You know, are they gonna come back? My husband stayed up most of the night just checking.”

While Embshoff knows not much can be done about the animals, she just wants justice.

“I just want them caught and I want them punished. Because what they did was not right.”

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