15-year-old Ashland blacksmith donating art proceeds to young Camp Fire victims

GRANTS PASS, Ore. — California’s deadliest wildfire, the Camp Fire, was watched worldwide. Many hearts ached for the people of Paradise as their town burned to the ground.

The fire especially hit home for 15-year-old Lindsay Brown. He and his mother now live in Ashland after they lost their Middletown, California home to the Valley Fire back in 2015.

Brown said although the Valley fire was devastating, he was shown so much compassion in the aftermath. He wanted to help victims of the Camp Fire feel that same warmth.

“A lot of people contributed to help… I figured I could at least try to give something back,” Brown said.

Brown is a blacksmith and decided to use his unique skills to help Paradise teenagers who are just like him. Since the fire he’s been selling copper roses and heart pendant necklaces, donating 100 percent of the proceeds to students from Paradise who attend the ‘Inspire School of Arts,’ in Chico, CA.

Brown said it “seemed rather appropriate” that he, an art student, would use the money he made from selling his art to help other art students.

The Chico school has about 100 students who lost their homes in Paradise. As of Wednesday, Brown has collected about $2,000 to donate to them.

“$1,000 was my goal and I thought it’d be fun to get there,” Brown said. “Thought it’d take a while, but, well, first night reached $1,000 and week after got it up to $2,000. Didn’t have much free time after that.”

“Seeing him hit that goal in just a couple hours and go beyond that goal… Seeing how well he’s handled that. It’s allowed me to feel pretty proud of how he’s doing, and who he’s become,” said Jennifer Brown, Lindsay’s mother.

If you would like to contribute by purchasing a copper rose or heart necklace, Brown will continue to donate 100 percent of profits from sales through December 31. You can buy them on his website here.

Jennifer adds they will also be donating 10 percent of sales for any item on the website on Jan. 1 – Jan 31.

The Browns plan to personally deliver the funds sometime next week. They have already been in contact with the principal at the Inspire School of Arts to do so.

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