Campaign Trail: Wild, Wild West

With the flair of a Vegas showman, real estate mogul, TV star and Obama basher Donald Trump threw his support to Mitt Romney Thursday.

“It’s my honor, real honor and privilege to endorse Mitt Romney,” Trump told a cheering Las Vegas crowd.

Trump had hinted he might run, and as late as last night, aides to Newt Gingrich claimed he’d get the endorsement.

But mega-millionaire Mitt Romney laughing it up with the “you’re fired” billionaire is a reminder of a Romney’s latest gaffe.

“I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there,” Romney said earlier in the week.

Even Romney backers cringed

Rush Limbaugh spoke for them.

“He makes himself a target with this stuff. He comes across as the prototypical rich Republican,” Limbaugh complained.

Touring a factory in Nevada, Thursday, Newt Gingrich said he’d offer the poor not a safety net, but a trampoline to the working class, and in a preview of what Romney will hear if he’s the nominee, President Obama offered this at a prayer breakfast:

“We are our brother’s keeper, caring for the poor and those in need.”

Romney’s need now is party unity, and Republican enthusiasm.

The low primary turnout in Florida has many GOP elders worried about the latter.

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