Congressional candidate Raz Mason drops out of race

WASHINGTON, D.C. – An Oregonian running for Congress announced she’s dropping out of the race and her campaign strategist will be stepping in to take her place.

Before the first day of 2020, Democrat Raz Mason was actively campaigning for the U.S. House of Representatives. She was running for Congressional District 2, the seat currently held by Republican Representative Greg Walden, who announced he won’t run for re-election.

On January 1, 2020, Mason announced she’s dropping out of the race and handing it off to her campaign strategist, Alex Spenser, an activist from Southern Oregon.

The following is Mason’s full announcement:

It is with a full heart that I withdraw my candidacy for the United States House of Representatives.

My work with the CO2 Foundation has presented a time-sensitive opportunity to reach students on a national level through creation of a climate change curriculum that will introduce the latest scientific and technical advances for dealing with excess atmospheric and ocean CO2. Overseeing the CO2 Foundation’s role in this undertaking will require my full time and attention. So, with a heart full of thanks to all my supporters, I must withdraw my candidacy for the United States House of Representatives.

And with every change comes opportunity–my campaign strategist, Alex Spenser, an activist from Southern Oregon, is stepping into the race. We share a passion and commitment to positive politics that bring people together. I hereby give her my full endorsement as the candidate who can become the true representative and advocate for Oregon’s Congressional District 2 in the U.S. House. I wish her a smooth and enlightened campaign!

Please reach out and get to know her at:

I will continue to share socio-political resources and perspectives at and on my Facebook page.

Warm best,


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