Cooling shelter opens to support homeless on hot days

MEDFORD, Ore. – With temperatures in the triple digits, most are finding ways to stay out of the sun. But for some, that’s not an option.

After its success as a warming shelter throughout the winter, the Kelly Shelter opened Thursday to do the opposite.

For the next week, homeless people will be invited inside from 11 to 7 so they can stay cool.

“You don’t want to be out there in the summertime in the heat. You don’t, you really don’t. It’s annoying… it’s hot,” Fenwick said.

Homeless for six years at one point in his life, Robert Lee Fenwick knows what it’s like to be stuck outside in the miserable July heat.

“Some people say it’s easier in the summertime to be homeless. It wasn’t for me. I don’t know how they did it, but it wasn’t for me because my hygiene, my personal appearance… I didn’t want to be around people,” Fenwick said.

He’s now been living under a roof for three years and using his time to help others at the newly formed Kelly Cooling Shelter.

“It came together with a group of people who wanted to help people,” Fenwick said.

As Medford reaches temperatures in the triple digits, a local committee decided it was time to offer a place for the homeless to cool off.

“We were concerned with the heat and so we were all sitting at the table saying ‘ok, what can we do’ and everybody volunteered some space, some time, and food, and so we put it together,” Case manager Brandie Barnes said.

Now, United Methodist Church, Rogue Retreat and First Presbyterian Church will host people from 11 to 7 every day for the next week.

Those wanting to get out of the sun will have a chance to cool down, get some water, and eat healthy food.

“It’s super important to give people home and inspiration… and for them to know that they’re cared about and that they matter in the world,” Barnes said.

Fenwick says a cooling shelter would have meant so much to him, and he hopes it’ll inspire others to take care of themselves.

“For all those out there who are homeless — sleeping under a bush — we have cooling shelters, we’re open, we have food and water… come on down and get some help,” Fenwick said.

A cooling shelter will be offered every day until next Wednesday.

If you know someone who could use these services, the cooling shelter asks that you let them know where they’re available.

And if the weather continues to be this hot, there is a chance the offer could be extended for another week.

First Presbyterian is hosting people Thursday and Friday and tomorrow.

United Methodist church will take over on Saturday and next Wednesday.

Then on Sunday, water and ice will be brought to the Compassion Highway Project at Hawthorne Park.

And finally, Set Free will host people on Monday and Tuesday.

Rogue Retreat released the following schedule:

Thursday and Friday (7/12-7/13): First Presbyterian Church, 85 S. Holly Street, Medford from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Saturday (7/14): Methodist Church at 607 W. Main Street, Medford from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Sunday (7/15): Hawthorne Park, Medford from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Monday and Tuesday (7/16-7/17): Set Free Christian Fellowship, 1032 W. Main Street, Medford from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday (7/18): Methodist Church at 607 W. Main Street, Medford from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m

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