Firefighters respond to kitchen fire that spread to attic of Talent home

TALENT, Ore.- Firefighters responded to a kitchen fire on the afternoon of December 22nd that burned into the attic of a Talent home.

Around 12:30 pm, Jackson County Fire 5 responded to Talent Avenue, where they discovered a stove had been left on which started the fire. The fire spread to the attic, but firefighters were able to contain it before it spread any further.

Battalion Chief Jim Campbell told NBC5 luckily no one got hurt.

“The people were not at home when the fire started so, there were no injuries,” Campbell said, “no firefighter injuries or their [homeowners] injuries”.

While there is smoke and fire damage to the kitchen and attic, the fire did not spread to other parts of the house or any neighboring homes.

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NBC5 News Reporter Lauren Pretto grew up in Livermore, California and attended University of California, Santa Cruz, graduating with a double major in Film/Digital Media and Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing. Lauren is a lover of books, especially Agatha Christie and Gothic novels. When her nose isn't buried in a book, she knits, bakes, and writes.
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