The Seaons

This is the seaons…that’s right…not the seasons…the seaons. Lead Singer Sean Siders says this is how their name changed from the Apple Siders to the Seaons “It’s funny how it came about we released a ep as the apple ciders and it was we the seasons, but we missed spelled it we the seaons…and though that’s kind of fun” This group of young teenagers from medford have found a sweet sound together, that takes some bands years to find. Bass player Mitchell Winters says “I’ve tried to play with other musicians, but no one can play like these guys…its awesome to play with talented musicians. “

Siders says “when you get attached to them and your attached at that emotional level, you can start to create some magic with them and that’s what’s happened to us the last couple of months. ”

Siders does the majority of the writing. everything music passions and he finds joy in sharing it with others.

“I love seeing how it affects other people, when we play and people get an emotional attachment to the music”

Sean is out of high school, but the rest of the group has at least a few more months to go, but right now the focus is on recording that first album. Siders says “I’m working with our producer Bret Levick on our first album..sungun and then working on another one to release after that. “who knows how the upcoming seasons…change the Seaons…but you can bet their sound will carry far beyond this valley.

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