Man prepares to be Rogue Valley Batman at Medford’s Comic Con

Medford, Ore. — Comic Con is coming back to Medford for the third year. Superheroes and villains of all ages will fill downtown Medford this weekend, and NBC5 has a preview of the event.

“That’s what Comic Con’s are about is making everyone feel like they can be themselves,” said Laura Kimberly, Medford Comic Con Project Manager.

It’s an event like no other, and feels like a real-life superhero movie.

“Giving people an avenue where people feel safe and welcome and it’s free and we’re bring the community together and the amount of community support its been amazing. It’s an opportunity for people to come together who like to get dressed up, they like to meet other fan boys and fan girls,” Kimberly said.

Comic fans will storm downtown Medford and get together for the third annual Comic Con this weekend.

“The amount of detail in the costume and the amount of people that come just to be here it’s amazing,” Kimberly said.

The first comic con in Medford started in the summer of 2015 and has been growing every year.

“There’s something for everyone,” Kimberly said.

Jim Passey will be one of about 10,000 people expected to be at Comic Con next Saturday.

“Everyone there loves you – whether in costume or not you feel like you are a part of the group,” Kimberly said.

He’s been to half a dozen Comic Con events around the country but next week he will play a special role.

“I’m Batman,” Passey said.

He’s loved batman his entire life.

“I’ve liked batman since I was a kid,” Passey said.

Even when he was five years old, his parents made him a Batman costume for Halloween.

“It was basically a fabric symbol on chest and cape and a milk carton mask,” Passey said.

It only makes sense that he’s the Rogue Valley Batman.

“Put a cape with it, a mask with it, and I am Batman,” Passey said.

Like many, putting on a disguise is something he feels comfortable in.

“I’m in my Batcave,” Passey said.

“They channel who they are dressing up as they put of the costume and they get into character” Kimberly said.

Being a part of the Comic Con community has helped Passey open up, and has made him realize he’s not that different after all.

“I’m kind of reserved and on my own but I go to Comic Con and I get to make new friends,” Passey said.

“You have confidence when you put of that costume and your accepted which is great and you don’t feel like you cant be yourself,” Kimberly said.

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