Klamath County Jail aids Klamath Falls Gospel Mission

Klamath Falls, Ore. – The Klamath County Jail is stepping up to help meet added demands at the Klamath Falls Gospel Mission.

The number of jail inmates has been reduced due to health concerns from the pandemic.

That reduction means the jail is preparing about 200 fewer meals a day.

Jail Commander Brian Bryson suggested giving some of those meals to the local Gospel Mission.

“I want to make sure the county commissioners get some credit for pushing this through as fast as they did.”  Praised Klamath County Sheriff Chris Kaber.  “We literally came up with this idea last week, and it’s already the next Friday – and here we go, we’re delivering our first 200 sack lunches today.”

Gospel Mission Director Kent Berry says he’s very appreciative of the help provided from the Sheriff’s Office.

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