Ninth grader helps high school cope with death of student

Klamath Falls, Ore. – Klamath Union High School is greiving the loss of a student that took his own life last week.

And a young woman has taken extraordinary measures to help the school heal.

Hailey Anderson learned over the weekend that a fellow student had committed suicide…

“I knew that Monday was going to be a really hard day for a lot of people, after what had happened on Friday.”

Hailey then did something simple, but extraordinary to help…

“I wrote inspirational messages on a bunch of sticky notes, and stuck them around the school.”

Hundreds of notes.

On lockers, doors, and in hallways – reminding students that they are loved.

Anderson quoted some of her notes:  “Don’t let others determined your self worth’ – ‘You matter’ – ‘You’re someone’s reason to smile.”

Principal Charlene Herron says the notes were appreciated…

“I think it made a tremendous difference.  Our kids were sorrowing on Monday – and it impacted a lot.”

Student Tory Carson agrees…

“That made me feel pretty good about myself.  I liked how everyone got a note on their locker.”

Principal Herron says faculty and staff were humbled by the gesture…

“I think it made them recognize how meaningful and impactful is is to be kind to one another.”

And Hailey Anderson is happy that her message is helping others to cope with a tragic loss.

“Because you never know what’s going to happen to somebody.”  Says Anderson.  “Smile at someone.  Something simple like that could make someone’s day.”

Not only did Hailey Anderson put up notes at Klamath Union High School, she also put up notes at Ponderosa Middle School, where the teen had previously gone to school.

While counselors are being made available in both schools, help is also available by calling Klamath Basin Behavioral Health at:  (541) 883-1030.

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