Trump administration revokes California’s federal waiver on emissions

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) – California is pushing back after the Trump administration yanked its right to set its own auto emissions standards.

The state has set its own tailpipe regulations for decades thanks to a federal waiver due to poor air quality in cities like Los Angeles.

President Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to announce his administration is ending that waiver, stating the move will mean more jobs and cheaper, safer vehicles.

California’s leaders vow to fight the move. Governor Gavin Newsom stated, “We will prevail. This was a move, you know, demonstrable move to assert power and dominance. The aggressive move against the state… a few days before UN climate week to punctuate a point.”

Attorney General of California Xavier Becerra said, “He doesn’t have the executive authority to do this, he’s going about it the wrong way.” He continued, “And we think that we can prove under the existing law whether it’s environmental statutes that have been around for a long time or based on his constant violation of the sta… the Constitution that this type of action won’t stand.”

Mary Nichols works with the California Air Resources Board. She said, “The standards that we are now in the process of enforcing are necessary to protect the public health and welfare. Not just because we care about the future of the planet or polar bears. It’s because we actually need these extra-clean cars in order to meet the health standards that are set by the federal government that we violate now on a very regular basis throughout southern California and the San Joaquin Valley.”

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