(NBC News) — Donald Trump’s campaign may be shifting positions on immigration. After meeting with his newly formed group of Hispanic advisors, Trump may be softening his stance on deporting 11 million illegal immigrants. Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway went ...

Portland, Ore. — Trump’s campaign manager says he won’t be making any stops in Oregon. The Oregonian reports that Trump is canceling his Portland fundraiser and public appearance, as well as a potential visit to Southern Oregon. His campaign manager, ...

(NBC News) — Donald Trump’s staff will meet with Republican Party officials Friday, one staffer reportedly calling it a “come to Jesus meeting” about the campaign. Trump’s team calls the meeting routine despite reports that the party is frustrated with ...

(NBC News) — Political ties are unraveling Wednesday with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump saying he will not endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan or senior Senator John McCain as they face primaries next Tuesday. “I’m just not quite there yet,” ...

(NBC News) — Senator Bernie Sanders offered his endorsement to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign Tuesday, bringing their drawn-out rivalry on the campaign trail to an end. “This campaign is not really about Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. ...

Eugene, Ore. (KVAL) — Eugene Police Department Chief Pete Kerns broke down the cost of Donald Trump’s campaign visit to the city. It amounted to $78,000 for police overtime, $6,800 for fire overtime, $3,000 for other city employee’s overtime, and ...

Columbus, Ohio – Ohio Governor John Kasich has announced he is suspending his campaign on Wednesday. The decision comes one day after he finished in a distant third place behind Donald Trump and Ted Cruz on Tuesday’s Indiana Primary. Campaign ...

Medford, Ore. – A Medford campaign office for presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders will open in Medford on April 9th. The Sanders Campaign says the official opening of the office will coincide with Medford Pear Blossom Festival events. The campaign ...

(NBC News) Former presidential candidate Ben Carson is throwing his support behind Donald Trump. “It’s not about Mr. Trump, it’s about America,” Carson said. Carson is just the latest political star realigning ahead of next week’s big primaries in Ohio ...

Washington D.C. (NBC News) — South Carolina’s upcoming Republican primary remains a two-tiered contest. Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz are fighting to win, while the remaining GOP candidates are fighting to keep their campaigns alive. Trump is currently leading ...

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