CENTRAL POINT, Ore. — On Tuesday, Fire District 3 celebrated the construction of its all-new Scenic Ave. fire station in Central Point. The new station is expected to be up and running by June of 2020. Representatives from Central Point ...

WHITE CITY, Ore. — Fire District 3 is introducing a new fuel reduction trailer program to help keep you and your family safe at home. Firefighters said creating a defensible space around your home is one of the most effective ...

WHITE CITY, Ore. — First responders across the country got a “thank you” for working on Labor Day, including here in the Rogue Valley. Since 2002, Olive Garden has served more than 12,000 free meals. They say it’s a way ...

CENTRAL POINT, Ore. — On July 9th, Eagle point man, Kendal Bruton, was driving down East Gregory Rd. in Central Point when he saw smoke coming from a nearby home. “I noticed like really dark smoke and I thought, ‘oh ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Fire season is, no doubt, a hectic time. Flames can spark within a matter of seconds and sometimes evacuation notices are quick to follow. “Firefighters will utilize terms… that’s really the best way for them to describe ...

WHITE CITY, Ore – In case of an emergency, Jackson County Fire District 3 is recommending pet owners put together emergency plans for animals. The agency found people were concerned that if something were to happen, their pets would be ...

CENTRAL POINT, Ore. – An elderly woman who was pulled from her burning mobile home is being treated for severe burns at a hospital in Portland. Just after 11:00 Tuesday morning, fire crews were called to a structure fire on ...

Fourth of July is coming up and that means fireworks. But before sparks go flying, local fire and law enforcement agencies want to remind you to “keep it legal and keep it safe.” Fire District 3 held its annual “Firework ...

WHITE CITY, Ore. – A fire broke out at a home in White City, sending one person to the hospital. Fire District 3 arrived to the manufactured home on Falcon Street around 8:30 p.m. They say smoke was billowing from ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. — The fourth of July event at the Expo has been held there for the last 17 years. It was previously known as Red, White and Boom which was put on by the Medford Chamber of Commerce, ...

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