MEDFORD, Ore. – United Airlines is now flying in and out of Medford’s airport twice daily for non-stop flights to Los Angeles. It’s something the airline hasn’t had coming out of the Rogue Valley-International Medford Airport since 9/11. The change ...

Medford, Ore. —  Big news if you travel the region. Delta is adding a nonstop flight from Medford to Seattle. Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport Director, Bern Case made the announcement on NBC5’s 5 on 5 feature interview. “Delta Airlines is going ...

Medford, Ore. – The Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport now has daily flights to Phoenix, Arizona and Los Angeles. The inaugural flights were welcomed at the airport Friday morning. Airport Director Bern Case said, “Service to Phoenix is something we’ve wanted ...

Klamath Falls, Ore. — PenAir is modifying its airline schedule in Klamath Falls. Instead of three flights a day, there will be two. The company said while that’s a reduction, it will actually improve “on time” performance of flights and ...

Medford, Ore.– For the first time in 15 years, Airbuses and 737s will be returning to the Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport. Beginning in April, Airport Director Bern Case says United Airlines will bring their mainline aircraft to Medford on some ...

Medford, Ore. — The Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport has announced there will be daily flights to Phoenix, Arizona and Los Angeles, California. The airport said American Airlines services to Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix and Los Angeles World Airports ...

Medford, Ore.- Flights in and out of Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport resumed Wednesday morning after a blast of winter weather impacted travel Tuesday. Several inches of snow fell Tuesday night, forcing flights in and out of Medford to either be ...

Medford, Ore.- Alaska Airlines pre-canceled more than four dozen flights to Portland due to expected snow throughout the Pacific Northwest. The flights were canceled because of the possibility of freezing rain forecast Portland. Of the approximately 50 flights canceled Thursday, a handful ...

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