MEDFORD, Ore. — Over 800,000 people didn’t get paid Friday, over one-thousand of them in southern Oregon. Now, some organizations are stepping in to ease the financial burden. Rogue Credit Union is one of them. They’re offering financial assistance to ...

CRATER LAKE, Ore.– With the ongoing government shutdown, one issue making headlines across the nation is the toll the shutdown is taking on national parks. In California and Oregon, parks have been forced to partially or completely close – some plagued ...

ROGUE VALLEY, Ore.– The partial government shutdown is now entering its third week and eight government agencies are starting to face tightening budgets and increasing delays. Its even causing cutbacks and furloughs to federal employees. Locally, this could spell trouble for several ...

WASHINGTON D.C. – As the government shutdown stretches into its 14th day, Congressman Greg Walden is taking a stance that largely differs from the GOP.  That’s according to Oregon Public Broadcasting. On Thursday, the Republican Representative voted in favor of ...

Klamath Falls, Ore. – Concerns over the status of the government shutdown led to uncertainty for workers at one of the biggest employers in Klamath Falls over the weekend. 173rd Fighter Wing Commander Colonel Jeffrey Smith says the lack of ...

Washington, D.C.- Oregon legislators were quick to react to the government shutdown. Governor Kate Brown saying its beyond frustrating, adding they’ll do whatever they can to minimize the shutdowns impacts. “The stakes are too high to put politics before people: ...

Grants Pass, Ore.- Hundreds of people came out to Grants Pass High School Monday night to hear from U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley in his eighth town hall this year. The senator addressed a number of national topics including a possible ...

(CNN) — A threat of a government shutdown ended Friday evening, according to top Democratic senators, who conceded they lacked the support to block a funding bill that must pass by midnight to avert a potential crisis. The development came ...

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