Yreka, Calif. – Cal Fire has determined the cause of the wildland fire that burned 710 acres and destroyed five residences two miles north of Yreka on August 24. According to Cal Fire, the Grade Fire was caused by an ...

Yreka, Calif. — A benefit to help those who lost their homes in the Grade Fire last week is being held on Saturday. The fire five miles north of Yreka burned to 710 acres and destroyed 5 homes. A pulled ...

Hawkinsville, Cal.- All evacuation notices have been lifted to residents in the Hawkinsville, California area Friday morning. The Grade Fire started burning Wednesday afternoon and quickly spread, burning four homes and four outbuildings, as well as dozens of cars. As ...

Hawkinsville, Cal.- CalFire crews are surveying the damage caused by the Grade Fire, which started approximately two miles north of Yreka Wednesday evening. As of 11 a.m. Thursday, that fire had burned 400 acres and was five percent contained. Multiple ...

Hawkinsville, Cal.- A fast-moving fire burned several buildings, forced the evacuation of hundreds of people and threatened approximately 150 homes Wednesday evening. As of 9 p.m. Wednesday night, the Grade Fire had burned 350 acres and was still growing. The ...

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