KLAMATH FALLS, Ore.- The couple who helped an elderly woman escape from her burning house have come forward. As NBC5 News reported Monday, Klamath County Fire District 1 responded to a fully engulfed house fire. Fire Marshal Chad Tramp said ...

MEDFORD, Ore.– Back in June a woman went into cardiac arrest at Lowe’s in Medford and a random stranger jumped in to help. Today they met for the first time since the incident. “He gave me the gift of life ...

WILLIAMS, Ore. — A boy from Williams received a surprise birthday party today. 5-year-old Wesley Mull is being hailed a super hero, after he used social media to save his mom’s life. Today, he not only received birthday presents and ...

WILLIAMS, Ore. — A local 4-year-old boy is being called a hero after saving his mother’s life. She was sick with COVID, and according to first responders – her fight with the illness took a turn. 43-year-old single mom, Glenda ...

Hollywood, Cal.- An entertainment news agency is reporting a Roseburg man honored around the world for helping stop a 2015 terrorist attack in France will play himself in a movie about the event. According to Variety, Alek Skarlatos and two ...

White City, Ore.- A stolen car case in White City leads to the discovery of a World War II medal that didn’t belong to the suspect. But thanks to some investigative work by the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, the medal they found will ...

From NBC News Columbus, Ohio-  John Glenn, a war hero who became the first American to orbit the Earth and later served four terms in the U.S. Senate, has died in his home state of Ohio, officials at Ohio State ...

Eagle Point, Ore. — An update to a story we first brought you in June about the Eagle Point cowboy who roped a suspected bike thief in a Walmart parking lot. Our story– and the pictures that went with it– quickly ...

Kansas City, Mo. (WDAF) — It was a normal day on the job for Missouri State highway Patrol Trooper Daniel Becker. He pulled over a car on Amity Road because its license plates were expired. “Just made contact with him, ...

Sunnyside, Wash. – A Washington man’s split-second decision possibly saved a child’s life, but changed his own forever. NBC affiliate KNDO reports while celebrating the Fourth of July with his family, Josh Luther noticed a 6-year-old child lighting a different ...

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