Salem, Ore.- The Oregon Senate has passed legislation raising the legal sales age for all tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, to 21. The bill now heads to the House. “This bill will decrease youth smoking rates, decrease tobacco-related diseases and ...

Salem, Ore.- Oregon legislators will hear a bill regarding transgender Oregonians Monday. House Bill 2673 is on its second reading. If passed, it would eliminate the requirement for courts to publicly post court orders changing name or gender identity. It ...

Salem, Ore. — A bill making it’s way through Salem could establish new state-wide policies and training for law enforcement. The proposal looks to eliminate profiling by requiring specific training while also keeping track of all police officer interactions; things some ...

Renters are frustrated over the low vacancy rate in Rogue Valley and the increase of monthly rates. Protestors are bringing the affordable housing crisis in Jackson County to the forefront. These protesters are made up of Jackson County residents and ...

Salem, Ore. — The Oregon State House voted on Thursday to increase the minimum wage. The bill creates a “tiered” system to raise the minimum wage over six years in three different categories; Portland, rural counties, and everywhere else. Wages ...

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