SALEM, Ore. – Oregon has become the latest state to pass legislation to end the so-called “gay panic” defense. Oregon Senate Bill 704 is designed to put an end to legal strategies that claim a victim’s sexual orientation or gender ...

GRANTS PASS, Ore. – Two Grants Pass educators are under investigation for making public statements about proposed LGBTQ+ legislation. North Middle School Assistant Principal, Rachel Damiano and 7th-grade teacher Katie Medart said district leaders were fully aware and supported their message. ...

GRANTS PASS, Ore. – A Grants Pass 8th grader is taking a stand against two educators who made a video against LGBTQ+ legislation. There’s now a petition asking the school to fire those educators. North Middle School’s Stephanie Eminowicz started ...

(KSHB) – Bills moving through the Missouri and Kansas legislatures would criminalize some health care services and limit access to sports for transgender youth. Advocates in the LGBTQ community say these bills only hurt transgender children, while the lawmakers behind ...

(WOOD/NBC News)  Bethany Christian Services, one of the nation’s largest adoption agencies, will now start adopting children to LGBTQ couples. The announcement of a new inclusivity policy came Monday from Michigan-based Bethany, which as a faith-based organization previously did not ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC) – Democrats are confident that the first federal protections for LGBTQ Americans against discrimination are within reach. The House has once again passsed “The Equality Act” which would expand federal civil rights laws to prohibit discrimination based ...

ASHLAND, Ore. – The Supreme Court rules the Civil Rights Act protects LGBTQ+ people from job discrimination early Monday. Our local LGBTQ+ community is celebrating the victory, after a long battle fighting for equality. While the fight isn’t over yet, ...

ASHLAND, Ore.–  Southern Oregon celebrated with pride today as thousands gathered in Ashland for the annual Pride parade. This year, the parade celebrated 50 years since the Stonewall Riots an event that marked a turning point for LGBTQ rights. Saturday was ...

Ashland, Ore. – Earlier this week, NBC5 told you about an assault in Ashland that police say started because two men were making homophobic comments towards a gay man. After that report, another Ashland man is coming forward to say that ...

ASHLAND, Ore. — Rogue Valley PRIDE kicked off Saturday morning with thousands in attendance for its annual parade. “It is in celebration in acknowledging the diverse genders and sexualities but also understanding it takes a lot pride for really folks ...

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