MISSOULA, Mont. — Roseburg Forest Products (RFP) permanently closed its facility in Missoula last week. In March, the company announced that it would end operations at the plant on May 22. Now with its closure, around 150 employees will be ...

SPRINGFIELD, Ore. – Roseburg Forest Products plans on investing hundreds of millions of dollars in Southern Oregon. Founded in the region nearly 90 years ago, Roseburg Forest Products announced it’s expanding its manufacturing operations with a $700 million investment that ...

(NBC) – Lumber prices have more than doubled over the past year. Experts say the nationwide COVID lockdown forced commercial sawmills, furniture manufacturers and homebuilders to temporarily shut down. That’s caused a shortage of cut and finished lumber across the ...

SALEM, Ore. – After announcing 18 Oregon counties will be receiving nearly $1.4 million in previously sequestered timber payments, the Association of O&C Counties released how much they believe each county will receive. Last week, U.S. Secretary of the Interior ...

Cave Junction, Ore.- The former Rough and Ready Mill site has a new owner. NBC5 News confirmed Tuesday Sparetime Supply Distribution has bought the site and plans to open a distribution center. Sparetime Supply Distribution is based in the small ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald Trump issued an executive order Tuesday that creates a task to promote America’s agriculture and rural prosperity. The order establishes the “Interagency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity.” The task force will be charged ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In an attempt to level the playing field for American lumber companies, the Trump administration is imposing tariffs up to 24% on Canadian lumber shipped into the U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilber Ross said about 31.5% of hardwood ...

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