ASHLAND, Ore. — The latest report on climate change shows major impacts to our way of life in the Pacific Northwest. Hotter temperatures contributing to drought and rising sea levels, threatening our forests and coastlines, experts warn the impacts could ...

ASHLAND, Ore. – If you’re looking to hit the slopes on Mt. Ashland, there may be some good news in store. According to the Mt. Ashland Ski Area’s calendar, they tentatively plan on opening on Saturday, December 8th at 9:00 ...

MT. ASHLAND, Ore.– While it may be October and no snow in sight, Mt. Ashland Ski Area has been hard at work all through the off season in preparation for the first snow. “We’re right in the middle of our ...

Ashland, Ore.- Mt. Ashland has seen a strong turnout this spring break and it hopes to keep the momentum going into Easter weekend. General manager Hiram Towle says they’ve seen around five to 700 people every day this week for ...

Mt. Ashland, Ore. — Mt. Ashland Ski Area will remain open all week for Spring Break. Staff made the announcement earlier in March that the park will be operating every day through April 2nd. For the week of March 26 ...

MT. ASHLAND, Ore.– Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue along with Mt. Ashland Ski Patrol were called into action this weekend after a snowboarder from Bend was reported missing. While the man was found, uninjured, the ski area is now ...

ASHLAND, Ore.– A 40-year-old man from Bend was reported missing last night at Mt. Ashland. Eric Hostetler, who reports claim is an experienced snowboarder, came to the mountain with wife to snowboard. When she returned to the parking lot in ...

Ashland, Ore.- Despite the late start and the mid-season closure, Mt. Ashland is still looking good revenue-wise, and it’s all thanks to previous season’s savings, and skiers and snowboarders eager to get in as many runs as possible. “We’re seeing ...

Ashland, Ore.– The most recent winter storm may not have panned out as many had hoped, but up on Mount Ashland, every little bit helps. The mountain is still closed and has been for most of this month. While the ...

Ashland, Ore.– While it may be snowing in the mountains, Mt. Ashland will continue to stay closed until further notice. For one local business, having the mountain open during the winter creates a bit of a traffic boost but things ...

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