WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC News) — President Biden on Wednesday outlined a $2 trillion climate change plan and signed a series of executive actions addressing the crisis. “We’ve already waited too long to deal with this climate crisis, we can’t wait ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNN) – The impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump is scheduled to start on February 9. Trump is accused of inciting a mob to storm the U.S. Capitol to prevent the affirmation of Joe Biden’s victory in ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC News) – President Joe Biden on Tuesday outlined his plans to advance racial equality and signed executive actions targeting fair housing, voting rights, health care, education, economic mobility and criminal justice. “Our soul will be troubled as ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC) – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell signaled he will no longer demand a commitment to the filibuster as Democrats try to move forward in their efforts to control the chamber. The Senate has been at an impasse ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC News) – The second impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump continues to take shape. The Senate is set to start the trial the week of February 8th. House managers delivered the article of impeachment accusing Mr. ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC) – Senate Democrats are now in the majority and they’re making it clear former President Donald Trump will face a Senate trial on the article of impeachment. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) dismissed arguments that a trial ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Biden officially signed an executive order reversing the ban on transgender individuals serving openly in the United States military. Biden signed the executive order in the Oval Office Monday morning shortly before the swearing-in ceremony for ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC) –The second impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump could begin in a few weeks. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) made the announcement Friday. Schumer laid out the timeline saying that the Senate will receive the ...

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