Jacksonville, Ore., — New Southern Oregon State Senator Alan DeBoer toured through the Rogue Valley today to talk with residents and hear their concerns. Old City Hall in Jacksonville was filled with people for a town hall meeting with the ...

Salem, Ore. — The Oregon legislature spent the morning honoring the late southern Oregon Senator Alan Bates. SCR 7 was the only measure the house and senate took up Thursday, as a way to honor and celebrate Bates’ life and service. “I ...

From NBC News Columbus, Ohio-  John Glenn, a war hero who became the first American to orbit the Earth and later served four terms in the U.S. Senate, has died in his home state of Ohio, officials at Ohio State ...

Medford, Ore., — One of the local, statewide races everyone was watching – the Senate seat left vacant by the death of Senator Alan Bates. Dr. Bates served in office for 16 years. The last 11 of those as a ...

Salem, Ore. — The Oregon State Legislature remembered one of their own  at a memorial service. Governor Kate Brown, as well as family, spoke about state senator Dr. Alan Bates Tuesday. A practicing physician, Bates’ medical bag was placed on ...

Medford, Ore. — The Jackson County Democrats are making plans to give Jackson County Commissioners a handful of candidates who could fill Senator Alan Bates’ senate seat until the November election. On August 19th, Jackson County Democrats will meet with ...

Medford, Ore. — The sudden passing of Oregon State Senator Alan Bates is leaving an unexpected vacancy in the Oregon State Legislature. Dr. Bates still had 2 years remaining in his senate term, and because there are more than 60 ...

Medford, Ore. — Oregon US Senator Ron Wyden met with doctors, district attorneys and non-profit directors Tuesday to get their input on gun violence in Southern Oregon. It’s a small piece of a much larger puzzle that the senator hopes to ...

Salem, Ore. – Even U.S. senators are hit with phone scams. In a tweet earlier today, Senator Ron Wyden said he had checked his voicemail, and had a message from a scammer claiming to be the IRS.   Also, reporting ...

Utah — (KSL) Governor Gary Herbert signed a resolution on Tuesday making Utah the first state in the union to declare pornography a public health crisis. Governor Herbert was clear that the new measure is not a ban on pornography. The ...

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