Washington, D.C. (NBC News) — President Obama delivered a blistering critique of Donald Trump Tuesday. Speaking from the White House, the president said Trump is “unfit” to be his successor. “He doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues,” ...

(NBC News) — Donald Trump is fighting a battle against some military families Monday, as parents of fallen US soldiers demand an apology for his feud with the parents of a decorated US army captain. Khizr Khan, father of Capt. ...

Cleveland, Ohio (NBC News) — The big story out of Cleveland Tuesday afternoon is how parts of Melania Trump’s Monday night speech may have been plagiarized from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech. Their words are undeniably similar, with certain phrases matching ...

(NBC News) — Donald Trump is escalating his feud with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg following her criticism of his bid for the presidency. Trump tweeted “Her mind is shot, resign.” Ginsburg called Trump a “faker” and said she ...

Eugene, Ore. — Presidential candidate Donald Trump is getting a big bill for last month’s rally in Eugene. The Oregonian reports the city is planning to send Trump’s campaign a bill for more than $93,000 for all the overtime paid ...

Portland, Ore. (KGW) — It’s a car that’s gotten a lot of attention these last few months. Its owner believes it all comes down to his political views. “I get lots of people honking giving me thumbs up out the ...

(NBC) — An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll shows the frontrunners are pulling ahead in New York, and there is a lot of talk among republicans about the system being unfair. Trump’s complaining the system is not fair. NBC’s analysis shows ...

Madison, Wisc. (NBC) — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, were playing defense Tuesday morning. A loss in Wisconsin for Trump could further divide support leading to a contested convention. At events in the Badger State, the Republican frontrunner lashed out ...

Portland, Ore. — This was Senator Bernie Sanders’ second visit to Portland during the campaign season. Sanders marveled at the crowd, saying that it looked like they were ready for a “political revolution.” He especially got a kick out of ...

(NBC News) Former presidential candidate Ben Carson is throwing his support behind Donald Trump. “It’s not about Mr. Trump, it’s about America,” Carson said. Carson is just the latest political star realigning ahead of next week’s big primaries in Ohio ...

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