Sex Abuse Trial Underway

Opening arguments are made in the case of a Klamath County School teacher charged with sexual abuse…

51 Year old Rick Lynn Hollenbeak is accused of molesting a 14 year old female relative.

Klamath County Deputy District Attorney Sharon Forster: “She kind of went to sleep, or he thought she was asleep – and he put his hands down her pants. Put his hands down her pants, kind of undid her belt, the zipper came down – she remembers him having his hands down her pants.”

The defense claims the alleged victim was upset that Hollenbeak tried to break up a relationship between her and her boyfriend…

Defense Attorney Peter Richard: “Very upset about us being broken up by Mr. Hollenbeak. She wanted to get even with him, so we got together and we decided to play the rape card.”

The sexual abuse is alleged to have taken place between 2005 and 2008.

The alleged victim in the case is now 18 years of age.

Hollenbeak has been on unpaid leave from the Klamath County School District for the past year.

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