Women Move To The Front Lines Of Combat

Some major changes are taking effect for women serving in our military.

On Thursday,the Pentagon formallylifted it’s ban on woman in combat.

It’s something that some say is long over due while others say women should stay back.

In a press conference,US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced the government will lift the ban on woman serving on the front lines.

Christopher McClure, who served for 13 years in the U.S. Marine’s, says he has no problem with woman serving in the military but believe they should stay away from the front lines.

“For a mother to come back and to raise kids, especially if they are going through worse things than we have, through combat, and lets say get captured…I just don’t think it’s right,” said McClure.

The overturn will open up more than $200,000 combat positions for women in the army and marine infantry units.

And for local supporters of the change, they say it’s all about equal rights.

“You have to be very headstrong to deal with what they have to deal with, and if woman want to go on the front lines and it’s their choice,I agree they should be able to,” said Marie Gurczynski, a supporter of the overturning.

Women will immediately be able to move to medium sized combat brigades. But McClure says he’s worried having women on the front lines will be just too dangerous.

But that’s a risk that many female military personnel are willing to take.

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